Look what I did! Some parts are graphic, but that's just for dramatic effects. Sorry if I used anyone's picture without permission...but it's too late now. None of the gory pics are of me...I promise. Don't watch it without sound, or it won't make any sense.
Try writing, producing or anything else artistic. You are great at it. Really enjoyed your slideshow but it made me a bit teary eyed. Love you much. Mom
Jen, I thought that the video was very moving and it probably told the story better than words alone ever could. I sure hope that you found comfort (and cure) in creating it and perhaps one day you'll be able to apply this same creativity to helping others too. I love you -- Scot
GOOD WAY TO COMMUNICATE. I can't text and i can't E-mail and my phones suck. If you can get home earlier just change flights and call me and I will pick you up. Anytime, day or day. No night flights out of Boston. Need you for eggs and Mr. Bunny is getting anxious. Also need you to tape slide show for me. I am also computer stupid. Love you, Mom
I love you Jen.
i miss you jen. hope boston is going awesome. love reading your blurbs, they absolutely crack me up. love you, meg
i miss you jen. hope boston is going awesome. love reading your blurbs, they absolutely crack me up. love you, meg
I know I already sent you an e-mail, but I love reading you stuff! You are so gifted Jen. And your video is amazing! You need to share that talent with others! I love you!
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