Every time I get a new doctor I have to go through an evaluation process where they ask me a million questions about my life. Most people hate this process, but not me...I love it. I don't particularly enjoy the redundancy of sharing my life story over and over, but watching the doctors' stunned reactions and disbelief to my unique family situation makes it all worth it. I just got a new case manager, his name is Dr. Z. This is how some of the evaluation (and the dozen evaluations before) went:
Dr: Do you have any siblings?
Me: yes.
Dr: How many?
Me: 7
Dr: 7? Are they all from the same parents?
Me: yep
Dr: Where are you in the birth order?
Me: last.
Dr: Wow. So how old is your oldest sibling?
Me: 53 (or 54).
Dr: Wow. How old are your parents?
Me: My mom is 72 and my dad is 77
Dr: Wow, they had you a lot later in life.
Me: Yep
Dr: So are any of your siblings married or have kids?
Me: Yep.
Dr: Okay. Starting from the oldest, tell me their name and how many kids they have.
***(Abridged version)
Me: K is the oldest, she has 4, then D has 2, S has 4, D has6
Dr: Wow, that's a lot.
Me: I'm not done.
Dr: Oh sorry, go on.
Me: B has 2, R has 4, and A has 4
Dr: Wow...you are a good Catholic family!
Me: I guess.
Dr: and your parents are still married?
Me: No they got a divorce.
Dr: How old were you when they divorced?
Me: 25 or 26.
Dr: So just recently? How long were they married?
Me: 50 yrs.
Dr: 50 yrs?!!!
Me: I guess they got sick of living in separate houses, so they figured they might as well
Dr: So they were separated?
Me: No. They just lived in separate houses.
Dr: When did that happen?
Me: A little bit after my dad's heart transplant.
Dr: Heart Transplant!?!
Me: Yeah. It was 10 yrs ago.
Dr: Do you mean heart surgery?
Me: No. I mean he has a new heart.
Dr: How is he doing now?
Me: He's doing great.
Dr: Wow!
Well, all I can say is WOW, too. Geez, that's a lot of siblings and a lot of nieces and nephews for you. That last part would have had me do a double take, too.
Hope things are going OK.
Ok Jen, your sister R just let me see your site for the first time tonight and I wanted to catch up with you so I read through your site. This entry has me busting a gut. It's some pretty funny stuff.
Your sister R's husband J.
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