Monday, February 23, 2009

The Elephant In The Room

On Mondays I have a group called "interpersonal" where we're supposed to address any issues we may have with other people in the group. It can be a really fun group, but when nobody has any pressing issues, it gets a little dull. Like today, all we did for the first 5 minutes was look around at each other until someone broke the silence. When that didn't happen, the group leader decided to step in. George(the group leader), must of been in the mood to stir up some drama because the topic he chose to break the ice was politics. Aside from the fact that it's a controversial subject, it just so happens that of the 5 people that showed up for the group; 4 are radical left wing lesbians who avoid 'organized religions'....and one is a Catholic Republican... I can't go into total details cuz I don't want the McLean posse to get on me about patient confidentiality, but guess who was the odd man out.


Anonymous said...

Now you know how they feel.

Jen said...

Bite me.

Florence said...

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